Monday, July 31, 2017

Man Cave Musings: 5 things that have become more important as I've g...

Man Cave Musings: 5 things that have become more important as I've g...:    With age comes wisdom is an old axiom that I think is grounded more in hope than actual fact but it is undeniable that certain things do ...

5 things that have become more important as I've grown older.....

   With age comes wisdom is an old axiom that I think is grounded more in hope than actual fact but it is undeniable that certain things do take on greater importance as I march toward 4 pm dinners, inadvertent naps and yelling at kids to get off my lawn. I'm not going to run down the list of small things that just happen while moving closer to social security like carrying at least five dollars in change at all times. Apparently the need to have exact change anytime I buy something is a thing. Maybe its to keep my pants from creeping up to my armpits like every overweight gym teacher in America, I'm not sure how that works. But back to the list of the 5 things that are more important now more than they ever were when I was a young man.

5. Advice- Did you ever stop to think before you gave advice to anybody when you were in your 20's? I sure as hell didn't. I've found out that it doesn't matter if I'm giving or getting advice I think a lot longer before engaging in it than I ever did when I was younger. Looking back brought me to the conclusion that I got and gave a lot of bad advice over the years. If I would have thought and asked myself if what I was about to say or hear would add value to the person I was speaking with less would have been given or taken. Plus, giving advice on everything does make you sound like a blow-hard ass because sometimes people don't want advice, they just want to vent (bitch or complain). When advice is given today it comes with thought and deliberation. The same goes for getting advice, I always filter it the same way, did the person think about me before giving it.

4. Learning- You can't teach an old dog new tricks. We aren't dogs though, we're people. I would be happy if I could teach my ten year old dog to quit farting in the living room and bedroom. As people we never lose the ability to keep learning. When we are young it is easier because we don't know anything to start with. To reference my previous point, if someone gives you advice that you can't learn anymore you can dismiss it immediately. When you get older you get to choose what you learn. It does make sense that if you get to choose what to learn you will learn it faster because you enjoy it. Personally I don't give a shit about an Isosceles Triangle or the capital of Indonesia but I still had to learn it. These days the things I choose to learn are interesting to me so I learn them faster. The more new things I try to learn the better I feel mentally. What good is growing old if all you know is what you learned when you were younger? If you want to feel younger keep learning.

3. Exercise- Wait. What? Exercise is more important than it was when I was younger? Absolutely! I don't do things I used to like run half-marathons or 100 mile bike rides anymore. But I do place a great importance on doing some sort of physical exercise three or four times a week, not because I'm trying to impress anybody or win any titles for my age group but because it makes me feel better. If you are lucky enough to be able to do physical exercise than try and take advantage of your good fortune. I have no scientific evidence to back this up but my theory has always been that exercise helps keep the mind young. I promise that even if I go to the gym every day from now till the day I die I will not head to the beach in a Speedo.

2. Forgiveness- Holding a grudge is like taking poison and then waiting for the other person to die. Back when rock and roll bands were great and I didn't have a bald spot I could stay pissed off at someone who had wronged me for years. I suspect I'm not the only person who would spend time thinking about exactly what I would say to somebody who had offended me. Anybody else build elaborate fake confrontations that never occurred or wasted a couple of hours thinking about how things would be different if that S.O.B. hadn't done this or that? And then you come to find out the other person hasn't thought about it once. I know most people think forgiveness is some sort of an act of kindness but I view it differently. It is essential for my piece of mind to forgive quickly and move on. That doesn't mean I will put myself in the same position again but holding a grudge hurts more than just letting it go and moving on. I wish I had this knowledge when I was younger.

1. Time- There is no question that if you have less of something it might become more important to you in theory. If you've ever been poor and down to your last sandwich till payday you know how slow you will eat it. You will savor every last bite, chewing slowly, drinking between bites and stretch that humble PB&J into a four course meal. It's a little different with me and time right now. There is more of a sense of urgency to get things done quickly and move on to the next challenge. I try and live in each moment more than I ever did when I was younger. If I choose to do or not do something the decision is largely based on the value of my time. Is it worth my time to do it? If the answer is yes I can assure you I try and enjoy every moment of whatever it may be. It is a shame that it takes getting older to realize that the good ole days are every day you're alive.

  There are some things not on the list like  love, family, empathy and of course sarcasm and humor because they have always been important. I also realize I gave advice in the blog but I did follow my own advice and actually thought about it first.

Till next.....