Sunday, October 31, 2010

The difference between praying in church and praying in a casino?

The answer is rather obvious to anyone who has spent time in both. The people praying in casinos really, really mean it. The joke is funny because like most good jokes it has an element of truth in it. Divine intervention is called upon regularly to rescue a wayward three team parlay or split a pair of dice much like the Red Sea into anything but a seven. How many times a day to you think the big guy hears,"Lord, please let me break even because I really need the money."?
So when I was in church this morning an interesting thought rattled through my brain. What if everyone who went to church prayed for the Lions? Yes, I'm talking about the Detroit Lions. Whatever sect or religion you are does not matter to me. But rather than praying for world peace or goodwill toward men let's all get behind a true hopeless cause, the Lions. People have fought and killed each other for thousands of years trying to say their God is better than your God. So how about we turn toward the Lions and see who can perform a miracle first. Let's start small with just a winning season. Maybe a playoff game in the next generation. Has a Lion fan I have wandering in my own personnel wilderness for 40 years already. Whose my Moses?

Till next....

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