Thursday, August 25, 2011

It isn't over yet...

Today Rasmussen ran a poll that showed 15% of Americans think the country is on the right track. Said another way, 85% of those polled think we are screwed. With the Presidential election coming up next year the news and mudslinging will probably help drive that number even lower. The balance of power in the Congress is divided so any real legislation won't be passed any time soon either. Our economy has stalled and the real unemployment rate is close to 18%. Our national Debt is at a crisis level and both sides are committed to their ideology so much that they can't see the big picture. Sounds pretty bleak doesn't it?

Now for the good news; we have been in worse shape as a country before and not only came out of it but soared to new heights. Everyone knows about the 1929 Great Depression. How about the depression of 1920. It was far worse than 1929 and we came out of it in less than two years and went on to the "Roaring Twenties". Then there was the dark days of 1940 and 41 when the only thing standing between the world and a life of eating German food(I do not recommend ever eating German food) was the Brits and Winston Churchill. Until Japan lost their mind and decided to drag us kicking and screaming into WWII. After the war we again went on to prosperity and freedom that as been unequaled.

But the best example of our resolve was the Civil War. Over 600,000 of our own citizens died trying to right the wrong of slavery. (For those of you educated in the South, the war was about more than property rights) Families were torn apart. Brother fought agaisnt brother. That evil egotistical pyromaniac Sherman burnt most of the great city I now live in to the ground. And what happened when it was over? We once again rose to become the greatest nation in the world. History proves time and time again how resiliant we are as Americans.

What does happen if our economy and our way of life collapses? The next time their is an earthquake in Haiti will the Chinese be the first ones there to help? Or a tsunami wipes out Sri Lanka? Will the Russians be on the way there in 15 minutes like the U.S. Marines were? Earthquake in Japan? I guess France can send their military there to surrender. If it's not us, then who is it? We are the "shining city on the hill" that the world looks to. Sure, they run around and trash talk us but who do they call the minute a crisis happens? You, me and the rest of this great nation. We are the last best hope for freedom on the planet and I don't believe we are going to go down without a fight. We are still Americans one and all.

I wish Rasmussen would have asked a follow up question; Do you think America is still the greatest nation on Earth? That same 85 % that think we are screwed would have thought for just a minute before coming to the same thought I had. If we are not, than who is? I am still going to wave my flag proudly and beat my chest because I am an American. We have made mistakes but at least we try to fix them. Our system of government lets us voice our opinions and vote freely. We have freedom. We have the most generous, law abiding citizens in the world.

If we are not the greatest nation, then we really are screwed. We've been through tough times before so put a smile on your face and stay engaged. It isn't over yet.

Till next......

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