Monday, January 3, 2011

Die like you were living.....

Tim McGraw had a big hit with his song Live Like You Were Dying. It was a very good song and I liked it because his dad was a pitcher I admired growing up. But I think he had it backward. From the moment we are born we begin dying. Not a cheery concept at all but still true. We have a finite time on this planet but what makes it so tricky is we don't know the end date. As the great quarterback Bobby Layne once said, "If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself." Or "I hope my money and my life run out at the same time." I agree. Who wants people to say "He looks good in there". Not me. I want folks to be shocked I made it as far as I did. So, with that in mind, how do we die like we were living?

Savor every moment. Good, bad, boring, it doesn't matter. Just try to enjoy it and find the positive in most people and situations. I will never ride a bull and I don't care what his name is. He will be steak for me someday. I won't be skydiving either. If the plane is still flying, I'm not going anywhere. I've already climbed Rocky mountains and that was no big deal. Nice lyrics but thanks but no thanks. With no expiration date I'd just as soon pass on stunt tricks.

The rest of the song may have it nailed though. Why not love a little bit more. With less conditions. Doesn't everyone want to be be a dependable, reliable great friend? Then make it happen. And if you know you are dying why are you sad about anything? You don't have time to waste here. You can spend your days down in the dumps or thinking of whats wrong or what could be better. I'm not willing to give them up. You are not happy. Go fix it. Clock's ticking.

And what is the biggest waste of time for all us mortals? I would have to say it is resentment. If just one second is spent being angry because someone has more than you it is stupid. Some have a better jump right out of the starting gate. That's their fault? Good for them. For everyone who thinks how unfair it is that people are rich, how do you feel when people who are much poorer than you feel resentment towards you? Or do you spend time resenting an ex whatever. For what? Is your resentment going to hurt them? Highly doubtful. Grow up.

It's time to start dying like your living it up. Smile and get out in the world. Then make someone else smile. Now that's living. Or dying with style anyway.

Till next.....

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