Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Have you ever had a thought that was so stupid.....

that you laughed at yourself for days after? I've always had the ability to not take myself seriously but sometimes I surprise even myself. While sitting in a Sunday school class this past weekend I combined ignorance with sarcasm and created a scenario so far from what was actually happening that if I would have spoken my thoughts out loud I would have been tackled by the class who would have tried to cast the demons out of me. They might have sent out a 911 call for an old preist and a young preist.
    A wonderful lady was telling the class about a teenage retreat weekend she had helped organize and attended. She told how some of the speakers were great and in doing so she mentioned the annointing of J-Who. That made me sit up a little straighter in my seat. I'm all for trying to bring younger people into the bible but giving Jesus a hip-hop nickname bordered on sacriligous. My mind raced with where this could go. Would the apostles be called his posse? Marky Mark, Simon P. Diddy, Lil John and Snoop Luke seemed like logical choices to me. How about the King James Hip Hop version of the bible? Would all the great battles be changed to turf wars? Could it be possible that the Sermon on the Mount would be classsified as trash talking? Would the audio version of the Bible be recorded by Don Cornelius? Maybe Barry White could read the Song of Solomon? The possibilities seemed endless.
     Being a man who arrived late to the Christian party as obviously stunted my knowledge of the Bible. I have read the entire thing and should have recognized the name of King Jehu. (pronounced Jay Who)
Kings 1, Kings 2 and Chronicles are three of the books that tell his story yet I completely missed the reference. The man she was talking about wasn't Jesus Christ but King Jehu. Once I realized that she had no desire to scratch the bible backward on a turntable with a loud bass beat in the background I couldn't stop laughing. What a wonderful way of showing me that I need to spend a little more time reading and a lot less time talking. If knowledge is indeed power then I'm the 98 pound weakling getting scriptural sand kicked in my face. If I was on the show "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?" and the Bible was one of the catgories I would put my money on the overgrown toddler.
      Some of you are out there reading this and shaking your head. I know you are wondering how I can tie my own shoes in the morning if I'm that stupid. But let me leave you with this thought from the book of Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. That is what is called a "Jesus Juke" for those of you are familiar with Jon Acuff. Maybe when my time comes to stand before God and give my accounting he will look at me ask, "Yo, C dog, was sup?" or maybe not?

Till next.......

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