Friday, February 4, 2011

I met myself 30 years from now....And I haven't....

changed much at all. Just like that commercial where the guy is on an airplane and that smug older dude starts telling him how proud he is of him for sitting in coach. My Dad would pleased as punch with me if that was how low the bar was set. Anyway when I met my old alter ego and it was not about financial security or anything near that important.

I was driving up to Nashville and after not sleeping the night before I was having some trouble picking a lane to stay in. So I pulled into one of the approved gas stations on my list in Monteagle at the same time a large Trailways bus was pulling in. Being the impatient sort that I am I hustled to the counter with a cup of coffee to help wake me up. On my left I saw the bus starting to unload. It looked like outtakes from Dawn of the Dead. These fine folks were not in their 60's. 70's, 80's and carbon dated would be more likely. Given my sleep deprived condition I found it amusing for some reason I can't really explain.

After paying for my coffee, I turned face to face with a dozen or so of the folks waiting in line. Looking over death's waiting room a smile spread across my face and I announced this was the oldest high school cheerleading squad I had ever seen. Half the people asked the person next to them what I said and the rest kind of grinned. Or palsy had set in. But about 4 people back in a line a man about my height with a prominent nose and big ears leaned forward and looked me dead in the eye with what could best be described as a glint. "Fuck You" he loudly said and then broke out laughing. And then I started laughing. The clerk was laughing. Some of the people were laughing. And then it hit me. This was my "future commercial". The guy looked like me and certainly talked like me. As they hobbled back to the bus I felt a certain sense of satisfaction.

30 years from now I know what I will be like and where I will be. Riding a bus in the middle of nowhere buying something easily chewable from a gas station. I'll take it.

Till next......

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