Sunday, February 20, 2011

Go ahead......We can take it.

Interesting how the weasels in Congress have so much faith in us before the elections and so little afterward. Everyone except the very far left will admit that our country is broke. And with interest, getting broker by the minute. Yet here comes our budget from the White House this week and surprise, surprise, we are going to spend more money than we have and taxes are going up. Despite the words coming out of the President's mouth the numbers don't lie.
So here's the big question, why don't they think we can handle the truth? Is it focus groups that tell them that Americans will never stand to reform Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security? Is it the demonstrations in Wisconsin because the Governor wants to actually, gasp, require teachers to pay for 12% of the health care they get? Or is it the polls that show 62% of Americans favor cutting entitlements just not theirs? Could be anyone of the above. Except the problem is all of them are wrong. We can take tightening our belt to help fix the mess we're in.
What rational thinking American, who didn't already depend on Social Security, would not want to hear some sort of common sense solutions to the financial problems we face? We all know that what we have is going to crumble. The exact timing of the meltdown seems to vary between which party is in power and which party needs the senior vote more. All we keep hearing is that these are the third rail of politics. I think the Tea Party candidates that were elected proved that the country can take the truth. As a matter of fact, we really want to hear it.
You can defense spending to the list. Most of conservatives will admit as well that our defense budget has to be cut. And maybe we can even talk about the fraud and corruption. On September 10, 2001 Don Rumsfeld said the pentagon was missing 250 million dollars. Missing. And he said that was just the start of his findings. Then the next day happened and all was forgotten. All of these need to be cut and or changed to make sure they will exist at all in the future. So why won't a politician from any party start talking about it earnestly?
The answer is a simple one. Fear. They want to keep the power they have. And they know whoever speaks first on these issues will be vilified by the other party and the press and who knows who else. But things have changed. They are wrong about what the people will do. The people would re-elect any politician who would honestly try to cut spending and balance our budget. Without it we are doomed. We have 14 trillion dollars we owe and were just told we need to spend more on new energy and a high speed train. Are you kidding me? How stupid do they think we are? We have to pay bills. We don't buy new train sets for the kids in we can't pay the rent. Our Treasury Secretary told Congress the budget he submitted was unsustainable. Then why submit it? Go back and fix it like you did your tax returns.
So come on Washington, we're all adults here. Talk to us and somebody starting leading. We will follow if you show us how. You were elected to lead so quit whining and do your job. We can take it.

Till next......

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