Tuesday, February 22, 2011

He's just not that into you.....

I know you think he was great during the courtship phase of your relationship. He said all the right things, told funny jokes, paid attention to your family and friends and always seemed deeply concerned about your feelings. Then when he won your heart the phone calls stopped coming. The goodies you were promised never did arrive. He seemed aloof and distant. He certainly didn't care about your feelings the way he used.

We all have the same reaction when a relationship is going badly. First we question if it was ever real in the first place. Then we wonder what we did to sabotage or destroy it. Then we get angry. And I mean really pissed off. Because we feel lied to and cheated on. We know the attention and love we used to get is going to someone else. The fact of the matter is that he really was never that into.

Not your boyfriend or girlfriend, your elected representatives. And not just in Wisconsin and Indiana where they are playing hide and seek with their own jobs. But all over this great nation the liberals, who will soon be faced with voting for you the American people, or the people who scrape the dues from the paychecks of hard working civil servants, only to donate to corrupt politicians who vote for bigger pay packages that eventually bankrupt you and the country. And they will not choose you. They really weren't that into you to begin with.

For those independents and moderates you can add the President to the list. He sounded good two and a half years ago and then he changed. You said you didn't want health care or more government spending. He didn't care. He still doesn't. All you were was the equivalent of a late night booty call by someone who forgot your name by the morning. Don't be too sad. We've all been used at one time or another. It just hurts more when you have to see them everyday.

So grab a pint of ice cream and a box of tissues. The hurt will go away right around November 2012. Till then just try not too take it personal. They just were never really into us.

Till next.....

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