Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 signs you may have a drinking problem

Everyone should have a Top 10 list at least once. Here's mine.

10. First drink of the morning is always through a straw. It's easy to do with the "shakes".

9. When counting how much you drink you don't count clear liquor before noon as a drink.

8. At least once you have been drunk enough to take your right thumb in your left hand and piss all over your own leg.

7. You have ever had a flat tire and changed it by putting the donut on backward, you may have a drinking problem.

6. You park in the backyard and spin the tires down to the frame. And it's not your backyard and you don't quite know who's yard it is. Or where it is the next day.

5. You have slept on or beneath a pool table in a bar. Extra points for doing both.

4. You can't remember how you got home. From 1980-1983.

3. You park your car sideways in the garage. And forget to open the garage door first.

2. You get in an argument quickly when you get home. And then realize you are not in your home.

1. You wake up in a different state. And there is at least one state between where you left and where you are. And you don't remember ever setting foot in it.

This list is just a partial list of indicators. But I have done everything on this list when I was drinking. When you find out that a real person did all these things and endangered himself and others it goes from funny to sad in a hurry. Well, some are still funny, but you know what I mean. If you have done any of these you might want to find something else to pass the time. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Till next......

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