Monday, November 29, 2010

10 Steps to cure being too pessimistic

This program is not medically approved nor endorsed. Of course if you are a pessimist you already said that before you clicked on this link.

1. Admit that you are a pessimist and this is probably a waste of time.

2. Once a day speak to another person without using the phrase, "If you believe it"

3. Find one friend who you can really trust and tell him you are thinking of becoming less pessimistic about life. This is a big step for you. I know you are thinking it won't work or make a difference. It's because you are pessimistic. Just tell them.

4. Start complimenting people during the day without the pessimistic backhand at the end of it. Say, "You look great today" instead of "You look great today for someone your age".

5. Try to see the good in people who piss you off the most. Talk to them. This is very difficult for most true pessimists because they have a superiority complex over most people. It is also very important to breakdown the old barriers, so this step must not be skipped. Start with someone who works for you or with you. They may not take it too well the first time or two. They probably don't have a lot of trust in you giving a genuine compliment. That's OK. Some will and some won't.

6. Remove these two phrases from your lexicon, "I knew it" and "That figures". First off, you did not know it. If you did you would have done something about. Second, what figures? Figures what? Both of these are far too pessimistic. Don't ever say them again unless you are sharing these tips with a practicing pessimist. Speak only about positive things or outcomes.

7. Admit when something good happens. Anything at all. Just say"That's good" and shut up.

8. Explore the possibility that the whole world might not be conspiring against you. Some people have other things to do. I'm just saying it might not be all about you.

9. Get up early one morning and watch the sunrise. Instead of thinking about another sunburn or how muggy it will be just enjoy the view. If it is cloudy try the next day. Repeat if necessary.

10. If you uttered the phrase "whatever" more than 3 times reading this please check yourself into some sort of rehab facility. I can no longer help you.

Till next.......

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