Buster was the large, make that very large, man behind the glass of the tow truck place telling me how getting your car back works in the tow truck world. I was not up on the current procedures but he filled me in. They towed my car. I must pay them. Then they will tell me where they found my car and I can see what type of shape it's in. If it will drive, I drive it home.
Most of you normal people are asking how would you not know where your car was? Well I was "Dude where's my car?" decades before they ever made that movie. I had done a little drinking a couple days before and the drive home proved to be a little too far. So I pulled to the side of the road, well it was more into a mailbox and one of those flower planter things, to take a quick nap. No alarm clock was needed because owner of said flower planter thingy did not agree with my assessment concerning sleep needs and was telling me so while his wife was calling the police. I may have been sleepy but talking to the police at that time didn't seem like a good idea.
Walking home after 12 hours of bending elbows is tougher than it sounds. Turns out it was about 4 miles away from the house where the car was parked. There was a fair amount of crawling on the way home as well. Balance can be a very elusive creature after enough alcohol. Surprisingly the police were not waiting for me at the house. They called three days later and were nice enough to tell me who towed my car and give me the name of the mailbox owner. So I could help him do some general repair to his property or they would drop by the house.
The reason this story came to my mind was the new GM. Not the obvious fact that I had hit rock bottom (just like GM) and then turned my life around (just like GM) but the tow truck part. As a tax payer we already own GM. Now, as of yesterday we can pay more money for stock that we already own. It's like they towed my tax dollars over to GM and said if you want to get some back just buy the stock. Huh? But I thought we already did that? My confusion only got worse after listening to President Obama say that because his administration stepped into the bankruptcy they saved a million jobs. I must be drunk again because I thought going through bankruptcy meant you could keep operating and strip away the debt. Not this one. 29 billion dollars in unfunded pensions did not go away. Why? Follow the money of donations from the UAW. Somehow I think they went to then Senator Obama.
25 years ago I was lucky and blessed enough to stop being a drunk. I wonder if GM will get to look back and realize that this is the bottom for them. I kind of doubt it. It seems to me they have set up the same unsustainable model that couldn't compete before. Wages will go back up and the pensions are still there. 87,000 current employees and 551,000 former or retired employees. The math doesn't work even after Jack Daniels. So if they crash again next time I think I will just buy them a drink. Hell, I might have one with them.
Till next......
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