Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chasing the dream. Living the dream. Both?

What if they are one and the same? We are all born with a dream. For some it disappears quickly and quietly like a thief in the night. Barely leaving a footprint on the soft soil of our memory. On some days it seems like something is there but you can't see it, touch it, feel it or even describe it. But you know something is not just right. Something is left undone.

Then there are some of us where the dream is part of our fabric. You can't do anything that doesn't further the dream. Constantly moving toward that dream, sometimes consciously, other times not, but always heading toward it all the same. We could not get away from the dream if we wanted to. And we don't want to. It's what consumes us and gives us purpose. It defines us.

The problem that occurs time and time again is an unanswered question. When is the dream just a dream? I have known people who have chased their dream for years and still do. Sometimes those who don't share the dream think it to be a large waste of time. And if those are people around you it can cause some serious issues. Logic would dictate that if you have been chasing your dream for years with no success you should give up. But logic loses against faith every time. True faith really doesn't give a crap about logic. It's just in the way.

Is there a solution? I think there is and it's hiding in plain sight. What if the pursuit of your dream is living the dream? What if the success of the dream is just a by-product of the chase? What if the chase actually is the dream? What if your success is ultimately judged by how you pursued your dream? How you never gave up during times of doubt and kept moving forward?

It kind of changes the background of everything. One mans failure may not be. It may be a testament. Are we not suppose to keep our sights set on the higher things? Is a dream not higher than temporary triumphs here and now? Don't lose sight of that dream. It won't lose sight of you.

Till next......

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