Friday, December 3, 2010

Stop,drop and roll..Is that the best we can do?

A man is on fire and we get him started on calisthenics. This response sounds really small and insignificant compared to the situation at hand. Stop? Really? We have to tell you to stop what you're doing? How important of a chore are you in the middle of that you continue even with flames on you? Drop? Not much better here. If I'm roasting like a campfire marshmallow I'm dropping all right. And roll? Now this takes faith. Let me see if I can actually spread the flames over the rest of my body. Unless I'm rolling off a dock and into the lake this sounds like a cruel joke. But sometimes the instructions don't tell the whole story.

Did your parents ever tell you "Make sure you don't get her too drunk or she'll throw up"? Nope, mine didn't either. That would have been good instruction. The fact is we often look for guidance from the people who are least qualified to give it. The Pope is going to tell me about sex? He better not have any of those tips I see on the cover of Cosmo. Politicians are giving me advice on how to spend my money wisely? They are much better than I. How do you get to a trillion anyway? The same politicians who had 8 years to talk about these tax cuts give me advice to send my return in early. Now that is funny.

Eat your vegetables. Do your homework. Clean your room. Take out the trash. Comb your hair. Brush your teeth. All well meaning and somewhat useful advice. Self explanatory in most cases but your parents had to say something. I thought maybe we could come up with better dollops of knowledge.

*Never give your banking information to a prince from another country. He should already have a checking account if he is the son of King. *Never tell the mechanic fixing your car that you have a new job or that you know nothing about cars. First of all, he will charge you more if you can afford it and second he will charge you more if you don't know the difference. *When you are complimented for opening the car door for your wife don't say "I just got a new one". People will not know if you mean a new car or a new wife. Both answers make you look shallow. *For the middle aged men, it is acceptable to ask your Doctor if all the men in his family had big hands when scheduling your first prostate examination. *Never tell the bartender you left home with just enough money for two drinks. You will never get the second one.

The best quote I know of concerning advice is to always pass along good advice. There isn't much else you can do with it.

Till next.....

* denotes pearl of wisdom

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