Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cruising and Musing on the weekend.....

It's Christmas time and that always means cookies. I love sweets. Cookies and Ice Cream are my two favorites. And I do think there is certain etiquette that should be followed. First off if you put nuts in a cookie that doesn't normally have them you should say so. You're sitting back enjoying a chocolate chip and the BANG, you hit a something hard. It's like your own personal crying game with a cookie. Just say they have nuts. A little heads up is all I ask. Second is about the snicker doodle. A candy bar eating baker starts aimlessly drawing sketches and we name a cookie after him? And what ADD inspired mad scientist is naming flavors of ice cream these days. Pineapple upside down cake, southern blueberry cobbler and birthday cake all line the shelves. Here is a thought, if I wanted cobbler for dessert I would have ordered it. What do you put on top of birthday cake ice cream? Vanilla Ice cream flavored cake? I am all for innovation but let's be creative with things that need to be fixed.
Get me through the line at the DMV quicker and I'll be impressed. How about someone develop a speaker at the drive thru window that doesn't sound like the voice box from a chain smoking robot from the old sci-fi movies? That would be good. Or maybe we tackle a really tough issue like why do we put up traffic cones for 5 miles in both directions from where the actual work is done? Why not combine the two and have the traffic cones taste like Candy Corn? The highway department wouldn't have to go back and pick them up at the end of the day and they could be sponsored by local dentists. No cost to the taxpayer. Now we're thinking. Now that we have started thinking outside the box I can go back to my ballgame and a nice chewy oatmeal raisin cookie. Hopefully I won't end up in the fetal position in the shower when I am done.
Till next.....

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