Thursday, December 23, 2010

If we had no winter, then spring would not be so pleasant.

Anne Bradstreet is credited with that quote. If she spent any time in the winter where I grew up she might have phrased it a little differently. Something like this,"If spring ever comes to this outpost of the North Pole I will buy everyone here a frozen margarita." You see the problem here is not that spring is not nice enough, it's just too damn late to get here. By the time the thaw begins you have given up hope on seeing the grass ever again. But those are the thoughts of someone who left on the first train out. How about those that don't see it that way? That not only tolerate the long winters here but seem to embrace them. Actually even enjoy them.
Perhaps the answer lies not in the amount of snow or the freezing temperatures at all? Could it be that the winters here don't matter because the eternal summer is in every one's heart? Very hard concept for a true cynic like me to get my arms around. The winter is not what they see. It is the salt of the earth type people who live and work here that they see. The way you can count on your neighbor to be there when you need him. The way folks up here just seem to share the idea of what's right. And even though you may disagree with each other there is no need to be rude about it. Maybe when you are warm inside the thermometer doesn't rule the world.
This week I was honored to spend time with my family and my friends from the 1970's. The same men and women who didn't try to see the rest of the world. I used to think they were afraid to get out of the upper peninsula. Now I realize I was the one who was afraid to stay. Afraid to try and make a living and be happy with the blessings I had. Because I knew I couldn't make it. Snow and cold weather didn't make me miserable, I did. Until the stupid and ignorant thoughts I had about life changed, the location of my problems didn't matter. These people are not cowardly. They are happy. What a novel concept. The same one I preach to my children and my employees. Happiness is a choice. Circumstances don't make the mood. And on and on.
So my refresher course on how to be happy is over tomorrow. I head back to the high pressure of the real world. But spring is already here for me. Green grass is on the way. Because the best way to live is with eternal summer in my heart and not worry about how deep the snow is above my boots. With all that being said and being true, I can't wait to go outside without page 18 and 19 of the LL Bean catalog on.

Till next.........

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