Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cruising and musing down the road......

4000 people stuck on a stranded cruise ship is considered a crisis. Did anyone ask the Chilean miners how they felt about people suffering through all that fresh air and sunlight?

I did hear the cruise line opened the bar up and provided 8 satellite phones for people to use. The ultimate drunk dialing fiasco. "Thanks for sending us on this wonderful anniversary cruise. If I were married to Johnny Weissmuller or Mark Spitz I would swim home and kick your ass."

Let me help the President out with this one. Jihad is what a redneck yells right before they start the mechanical bull. Probably don't have many of those in India. Are mechanical bulls sacred in the Hindu faith anyway? Just wondering?

Nancy Pelosi held a cocktail reception for the past Congress to toast their accomplishments. In a totally unrelated story the 2008 Detroit Lions are holding a reception to celebrate all their victories during the season. The 1976 Buccaneers were also invited.

I will not be signing anything IMHO because I am not really that humble to begin with.

So Charlie Sheen gets jacked up on Coke and locks a hooker in a closet while his ex-wife and children are across the hall? That show Two and a Half Men is really funny. What? That was real! No way! That's not really funny at all.

If I wanted to know how many shopping days till Christmas I would not have thrown away the 17 calenders I received last year during the "holiday season".

Whoever named the TA travel centers was a genius. I walked around for almost an hour and settled on a bag of chips and a diet coke. No T and no A. Got me to stop though.

Stayed the night in a Memphis hotel last trip to Tennessee. Super 8 unidentifiable stains motel. I am pretty sure blood and mucus were two of the eight that can be mentioned here. The free Wi-fi was great as long as you didn't mind walking to the McDonalds parking lot. The remote had no batteries and the front desk told me I could buy some across the street. True story. I did and I still have them in my truck.

Till next.......

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