Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I will always love her. One day she will love me back again.

All of us have had our heart broken. The deep pain we feel and the sense of despair is horrible. My heart may be broken now but it won't stay that way. I know how to win you back. The method is not new nor is it hard. I couldn't dare ask you to change. I know I must.

You have told me how to make you happy. You have told me the type of car to drive to please you. Right down to the make and model. But love can't be summed up in just a vehicle. There is so much more you need me to do to show my love. Of course it's important to take care of my health to be there for you so I will be happy to buy whatever insurance you need me to buy. How about where I put my money? Just tell me which bank is on your list. You said I was a coward because I didn't want to talk about race so let's just sit down for a beer summit sometime. I'll try not to cling to my guns like the 2nd amendment says. Sometimes I just lose my way. I will try to turn to you and not to my religion or my guns.

Maybe I am a coward because I fear terrorists and you don't even acknowledge their existence. Radical Muslims don't even phase you. Man made natural disasters are of some concern but not a lot. You will face down murderers in an open court of law. No tribunals for you. No sirree bub. Nothing but the best for these criminals. You are not afraid of losing. If they win freedom on a technicality we'll survive. We survived 9/11 right? That's what you said. I read the book.

And if I don't agree with you it's just because I don't understand. Please be patient with me. Explain it to me over and over. And over and over. You are the one I've been waiting for. You told me. But you are not the one I fell in love with. And I'm no longer hoping for change.

I fell in love with freedom. With everyone pulling together to make each other great. I fell in love with being able to fail. I fell in love with MY country. Not a country with open boarders. Not a country that would pit one citizen against another just because he makes more money. Not a country where feeling my crotch is considered safety. I fell in love with a country that was worried about the individual and not the government. I will win you back one election at a time.

Till next......

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