Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If you are In a rowboat in the middle of a storm....

You better stop rowing. I've heard that advice before but it always seemed silly to me. You can't just give up. If you just sit there the storm is going to take you anywhere. It could be completely in the wrong direction. What if the storm lasts longer than you expect? You might even end up in a place you have never seen or even knew existed. And that's the point.

Full disclosure here is that I am late to the whole Christian thing. My Sundays were spent watching football. So with that in mind let me tell you my view on the rowboat today. If you stop rowing and just trust that you will come out where you want to go you are foolish. But if you stop rowing because you know you may end up in a different place and it will take all your strength to adapt, then you are wise. Now I have come to the belief that God is in control and when the storm starts raging I need to slow down and keep my eyes open.

According to what I'm told we never get more than we can handle. So in times of uncertainty and strife my job is to pray and listen. Here is where it gets tricky. When do you start to take action? If you see a storm on the horizon do you pray or start putting a tarp over the boat? People who have spent the majority of adulthood as Christians easily answer these questions. In part because they have believed for so long. It's not a question. They just know. Us newbies on the other hand still think way too hard. We are a confident bunch. Not saying God is wrong, I'm just saying lets talk about it.

Many times I compromise. When I see the storm I row like crazy and pray the same. Covering all bases I guess. But I thought maybe this time I would try something different. How about letting the boat go where it's supposed to go? Just say a prayer and continue to do what's right and wait for the storm to end. I might end up right where I am. I might not. But I will have all the strength I need when I get there.

Till next........

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