Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To live is the rarest thing in the world.....

Most people just exist. That was from Oscar Wilde and sadly he could not have been more right. Now that I am approaching my 50th birthday I am getting just a bit more reflective than I used to be. (And 30 pounds fatter) The other night while I was sitting at home after another global warming snowstorm in Atlanta, Georgia it occurred to me what a great roller coaster ride my life has been. Plenty of glimpses of success and plenty of failure as well. The thrill of stepping out and trying something against all forms of logic and prospering anyway. The sadness of failing and knowing you tried as hard as you could and it didn't help. A perfect example of being human.
So when the grim reaper shows up at my door in another 50 years I can tell him I have done my best to get the most out of what I had. And he won't give a crap but you might as well try and make conversation. But it does bring up the question of why Oscar had it right. Why do most of us just exist? What happens to our passion? Our dreams? Our daring? Does it just slowly erode over time or is it stolen in the blink of an eye by some tragedy? Do we decide to play safe because it is the easy way? Do we settle for existence because living is too hard?
Or could it be that we just forget? Almost all of us is equipped with a fear of failure. And that can be healthy but it is more often crippling. What is the worst thing that can happen if you try and start your own business? You lose all your money and go broke. I have had that happen. Twice. I'm still here and smiling. It didn't kill me. Your friends and family might think less of you? Wrong answer there. They will admire you for trying. Everyone wants to live. Not exist, but live. It is part of who we are. Hard wired. Can't be removed either. But then life comes along. You're told you can't do this or that. You're told to play it safe, keep that steady paycheck, and save some money for when you can't work anymore. And most of the time we listen because it is so much easier. And it is not scary at all. Until you wake up and wonder where time went.
What if when you die you get up to heaven and Saint Peter looks you up and down and asks,"What were you waiting for? You never got started." There is greatness in all of us. What that greatness is up to you. But finding that greatness is not the key to living. It is the search for your greatness, your gift that gives life. Finding your gift is living. That is not existing when your eyes light when you talk about something, that's living. When you can stay up all night working and not need sleep the next day because you're excited, that's living. Doesn't have to be a job either. It could be a hobby. A relationship. Whatever it is, it is your gift to find. So don't worry about failing, that just makes you human. Live. It's what we are meant to do.

Till next......

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