Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here's what learned on my Christmas vacation....

If you make a New Years resolution to get healthy and start taking vitamins do not call 911 the first time you pee. A martian has not taken over your bladder, it's just the vitamins.

When putting away all the decorations and lights from the holidays do not ask the kids to put anything in the box marked "toys". This will be the cause of therapy in their adult years.

Whoever said, "It's the thought that counts" never had children. Or was married for more than one Christmas.

The difference between having to beg a child to take a shower and begging them to get out is the age they reach puberty.

American ingenuity is not dead. Come and watch me pack a car for a week long trip with four kids and the wife and I'll show you creative.

Just because you have fond memories of where you grew up does not mean your kids, step kids or your wife will agree. Taking them to a climate that scares penguins may not be a good idea.

Presents that are still in the box do not have the "wow" factor. Kids will try to appear happy (not all of them) but to them it is a box.

This is not a complete list of all the lesson learned over the last three weeks. The best thing I learned was something I already knew. There is no substitute for family and friends. And Jesus is still the reason for the season. Although convincing kids of that is, well, only 354 shopping days left.

Till next.......

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